Nailing it down

It’s quite interesting to see someone who is on the end of the spectrum arrive at the same place as you. I’ve linked a few Christopher Hitchens articles here before — Hitchens, prior to 9/11 was an unabashed socialist, and I couldn’t really stand to read him.
But he gets it — he understands the threat the world faces. For everything there’s a decorum — redressing political grievances is totally legitimate. Even with violence sometimes, when warranted. There’s a difference between acts of war and terrorism or genocide. It’s not difficult to figure out what the difference is — but the people who fundamentally hate the American system choose not to make that definition. In the context of 9/11, perhaps attacking the Pentagon was a legitimate act of war….doing it with a plane carrying innocent civilians is where they cross the line.
Anyhow, I found a good interview with Hitchens, where he discusses some of this.
Now, I wonder what Mister “negotiate at any cost!” Kerry thinks of these views…..

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