So Sunday Morning.
I’m not even sure what to say this morning.
There’s football today. Let me take a look. On TV here, we get Baltimore and Washington games on TV. Then an afternoon game, and the nighttime game.
Hm. Yeah. underwhelmed. What’s possibly the Saints’ new era starts today with Taysom Hill getting the start at QB, and Breeesus out for the rest of the year.
Taysom Hill is incredibly fast. His passing has left me somewhat uninspired. Okay on the short stuff, decent long stuff, but not very much from 10-30, which is where you want to see most of the action happening.
Maybe another lost year. In many different ways. When it comes to football, could be worse, could be the Peckers.
Favre kinda got where I am with that during the Saints’ trip to Tampa earlier this year.
Do you think that you are hopelessly flawed?
I can answer that with a firm “no,” today. There’s a lot of things I can’t do well anymore. Some of those are on account of my condition, but even more, there’s nothing now that I’m embarrassed about.
My wife and I have had some good conversations over the last few days. It’s almost like we work well together or something.
We were discussing Christmas presents. I want a new PC. This one I’m working on right now was kind of a novelty when I bought it, but it’s time to replace it.
I also need to pay Microsoft’s tax. Thankfully, their software cost has actually come down to kind of match the hardware price drop.
I found something I kind of like, showed it to my wife, and because it’s out of stuck, she wanted to build something with the same specifications.
When I was younger, I totally would have done that. Nowadays, sounds like just an exercise in unnecessary frustration.
So news.
I saw this, and had to look around to find out where it was from.
India, not Indiana. I was wondering whether the kid was trying to get daddy’s security guard gig at a camp in Afghanistan.
Yes, we’ve been over there that long.
Osama bin Laden is dead. Bring them home. All of them. Now.
But, yeah, India. My company has a pretty substantial presence there. My curiosity grows as I see things.
That leads me to think about last year’s party, where some of the finger food was some incredible Indian food. I am disappointed that there isn’t going to be a end-of-the-year party this year
Supposedly, they might have one after Governor Hoodor Blackface mandates that everybody get vaccinated.
I guess we’ll see.