
The Microsoft spell check says that that title is misspelled.

Maybe it is, but I really don’t care. I think it fits.

A lot of what I’ve been working on the past few years is trying to rebuild what i let fall by the wayside for several years.

But I do know how to do these things. Maybe they’re not the new hotness(tm), but they do work.

And I do them because I’ve seen that they do work.

There were some interesting things that came up in one of my social groups last night. We ended up discussing some of what came up in some of what I wrote about recently from an OD writing prompt. It also plays in to some of what Harry Browne wrote about in How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World. There are things that you do that may not bring you any particular joy, but they do help you perform later.

Those suicide drills don’t help you block or tackle.

Running them until you puke doesn’t have any immediately-apparent benefit. And, as a player, when you’re dealing with the pain involved with running them, you hate the person who made you run them.

Then you finally get to the point when you can play. The hatred is gone.

I think in adulthood, one of the troubles is figuring out something you can do to challenge yourself.

One of the podcasts I routinely consume talked about the mechanics of writing a book. Committing to write 2,000 words per day? Yeah, I can do that.

It wasn’t particularly long ago that I would have thought that that was completely impossible.

The big thing is figuring out what you want to be able to do, and the tedious things you’ll need to do to be able to do them.

If you’d told me in 2011 that, in the same week, I’d get an injection on Saturday, then an infusion the following Friday, I would have told you that that you’re nuts.

*steps away to look at how long this entry is*

Yeah, getting close to that point, already.

It’s taken me maybe an hour, total, to write that.

So, yeah, there is something about comes from adherence to something ritualized that helps you progress as a person.

Back on the discussion last night, part of what I’m fascinated by lately, too, is the role of religion in human life.

When I was young, kind of a Randroid, I was more than a little skeptical of religion. I’ve heard Vin Armani on a few different podcasts recently. *DDGs it* I hate linking to Reddit, but this is one of the first things that came up.

The secularities among various separate religions is fascinating. Even things like the vibrations induced by chanting are virtually identical.

So what is that?

Maybe there’s something else going on.

Bouncing back to the writing — I need ideas for something longer to write about.

Suggestions wanted.