
Describe your year to date. (Form 2014, but it’ll be something I can really sink my teeth into while I’m on the train.)


Well, Shmoocon was delayed, so it was mostly watching Football, and working.


Looking back, it looks like the war in Ukraine and football were the things most on my mind. As far as the war goes, I kind of feel like one of the followers of Miller, and the Great Disappointment. (And this is really leading me down a path….). The Rams won the Super Bowl. I was really not that upset this way or the other. I don’t really like the Rams’ schema; — 3-4 Defense, West Coast offense, etc., but I’m still happy they[re back in LA/


Obviously, biggest thing was Shmoocon.

I had a good time, but I’m really not up to do that sort of thing anymore. I’m happy that the unanimity of thought that was there, say, 2009-ish.

Do the math, and show your fucking work. When someone reviews it years later, if it shows to be complete nonsense, that should be a point for self-reflection. Apologies; I’m distracted by the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel speech before the pandemic.

I guess I’m really bothered by certitude.


More stupidity from the new LP overlords. Preparation for medical tests. Lots of work. Following the start to the saga of my mother moving back to her hometown. (As I write this in November, I’m actually on the train headed down there again…)


Medical exam…clean. Good for three more years.


Some work certitude until February, so breathe a little easier. The only thing I wrote about what following the shitshow with the Libertarian National Convention. My initial reactions have proved correct, and I’ve withdrawn further.


I gave in to the compulsion to write ian the moth before my birthday. I felt like I had a few things to say. I was also minaking my first trip to deal with the mess surrounding my mother’s situation. And pick up the dog.


Lots of work, new dog adjustments, birthday. The steaks my wife cooked for my birthday were amazing. A coupon of notables — very long survey that I think was from about 1999. My original answers are in, with my updated ones.


Reading, now that I’m in the hotel room (please see back later when I give more details about the shit show that’s happened so far….)


Thirteenth wedding anniversary. Four-day weekend as a bachelor with my wife and dog down visiting her parents. It’s incredible the feelings I have my wife; I didn’t think that sort of thing was at all possible.


I’m out of town. I tried to write this before en route to my destination. I’m in a hotel room, which was not the plan, but it’s adjusting on the fly.