
Write about someone you’ve recently lost (Flashback to 2016; this would have been just after my uncle had died)

I don’t know that I’ve got a good answer for this one. I’m listening to The Fifth Column where they’re talking about the crazy person who broke into the Pelosi house a few days ago.

He was crazy. The situation I’m dealing with isn’t that, but it is someone who’s very close who’s clearly “not there” anymore.

Gone, but not really yet.

The flashback to my uncle was my dad’s youngest brother. My dad’s younger brother had died a couple of years earlier. His wife, my aunt, is also my mother’s cousin. My dad was always worried that my mother, with her short-lived genealogy obsession would find that they were related. Thankfully, no, but my first cousins are also my fifth cousins.

So, yeah, I’m not going to elaborate too much on what I’m doing, but these things are top of mind.

Happy birthday to my grandpa. I’ll see him on tomorrow. 93 years old. I’m not even halfway there, but am not at all convinced that I’ll get anywhere close.