Because Saturday, that’s why

So I write.

In one of my fitful periods last night, I listened to Andrew Heaton interview Michael Malie. They were getting in to some of the nastier parts of Communism.

The folks in the LP Russia Caucus won’t say a damned thing about the actual horrors that took place in the last century.

For them, the world started 9/11/2001.

Bubuhbut there was that agreement that NATO wouldn’t expand east after German reunification!!1! No, there’s not a thing I can point to that says that, but it happened. There’s someone of questionable repute who said it, so it’s true.

Heaton is also the one who had on the spiritual leader of the NeoHips, who said that the US was behind the tribal violence in Rwanda. Listen for yourself if you’re so inclined. I mean, Edward S. Herman, the guy who coauthored Distortions At Fourth Hand.

I do kind of feel bad about not giving Heaton some money, but I am Patreon-averse after what they did to that animation cretin.

I do still try to abide by my principles, even when doing so isn’t fun.

That’s why when I go see Liz Phair in DC, I will be Soberish, because I’m not buying anything at the venue.

I should get some coffee.