Ophelia Buts

I think the kids’ joke punchline is “Ophelia Butts”

It’s a gray day with lots of drippage action here in one of the bluest cities in the Commonwealth of Virginia (and it’s been that way since the Yankee oppressors evacuated in the 1870s).

A bit odd watching places I used to frequent in Norfolk being covered by national reporters. Though the locaal stationss down theer have been remarkably quiet, I’m sur that Lake WAVY in P-Town hahs reappeared.

With that, detour to check IG.


Another week in the books, largely spent alone with my wife away.]

The week started rather ingloriously. Last week, and most of the week, I was having some pretty significant pain in midsection. Lower left love handle, back, and so on.

You’re short of breath/Is It a Heart Attack?

So I got through the work day, and went to the urgent care clinic here in town.

Nope, not having a heart attack, but do I have diverticulitis?

They need to do a CT scan, which they can’t do in the urgent care clinic, so off to the ER in DC.

Got to the ER at like 6p. Triaged, heart and lungs sound okay, off to somewhere where they could attend to other people more critical.

Is an MS flare? No, I don’ think so. Reaction to Keysimpta?

Probably not.

I finally, after several other tests I finally saw a doctor.

At about 2a, after I expressed my desire to leave, a doctor finally saw me.

Missed both Monday Night Football games, including the Saints.

I. Need. A. Break.

The doctor wrote me a get-out-of-work note that’s good through the date of my next appointment with my PCP.

Did I take time off?

Of course I didn’t. I made my 1100 meeting on Tuesday, and worked pretty much regular hours the rest of the week.

Why? Because I am so incredibly busy trying to tie up responsibilities at work.

There’s so many places where people are just accustomed to operating one way, and have no idea why things are done that way.

Way too much ibuprofen this week dealing with the pain, but, I think it’s kind of subsided this morning, at least.

Lots of time spent actually listening to music this week. I’d stumbled across a story that Liz Phair is going to tour, and play stuff from, Exile in Guyville, on its thirtieth anniversary.

Show in DC? Yep. Would I forgive the venue who’s management company had engaged in some of the worst COVID excesses?



Yeah, okay. I’ll go, but I’m not planning to pay for anything other than the ticket , itself. Beer? Nah, I’m good. You did what you did, and I’m not ready to forgive.

But it’s a choice I made. Any action you take against a company or another individual might cause you some discomfort, inconvenience, but it’s a choice you made.

No, it’s better to force people to behave in the way you see fit, and you should never face any problems for your choice.

There should be a law….

No, you really don’t like something that someone else is doing, you have to remove yourself. You can, and have to, leave.