Well, that’s when the writing begins.
But there’s been so much else I’ve been preparing for to get ready for the end of the year.
Watching On Patrol Live last night, there were two spots in a row for Christmas ads. It’s not even Halloween! Am I ready for trying to figure out something to do with my wife since I can’t have a Lexus with a bow on its roof in the snow?
That’s supposed to start after Veteran’s Day.
Halloween seems to kind of passe these days. I remember seeing things the past few years about trying to actually move the date because, you know, safety. Trick-or-treating should be at from 4:30-6:00 the last Friday in October.
Let’s erase the religious significance from it. You know who else tried to excise parts of history that didn’t really fit? The FP had a thing the other morning about abortion being a health care right, and forcing Catholic hospitals to perform them.

Thinking more about it, after my initial you-can-leave attitude, it occurred ot me that, no, they wouldn’t. They’d stay to help take care of people because they’ve got a purpose higher than whatever some politician sets.
But that’s as bad as Kavanagh being a member of the Knights of Columbus.
What can you do?
Senate? Yep. House, not that it matters in a district that’s been blue since the Northern Aggressors left in 1877? Yep. President? I still haven’t decided.
The WTF interview with Dan Crenshaw was about the best endorsement of Trump I’ve heard. (Interesting tidbit there, too, about RON PAUL(pbuh)’s strategy in the House that let him get things for his district, while still being able to vote against the larger bill…)
The interview with Reason kind of pushed me his direction, but then I saw some third party debate that reminded me of the things I really don’t like about him.
I guess the Trump interview with Rogan is up on YouTube, which might be better than dealing with Spotify, but I’m skeptical whether it’s worth three hours to still be undecided at the end.
I need more coffee, and this is meandering.
Still would like some more topic suggestions for next month.