How are you similar or different from the person you were 5 years ago? 10 years ago? 20 years ago?

Five years ago? Well, it’s still up. I was obviously getting very concerned about some of what I saw going on with things like Facebook at the time. I wish I could have known more about

I’m trying to remember exactly what the impetus was for me trying to get away from the Ginger Drop-out’s stuff back then, but I’d need to read more to figure it out. Obviously, things would go into overdrive in 2020. I did appreciate that whatever efforts I’d taken back then would pay dividends pretty soon thereafter.

Still, I think I showed that, yes, you can say, “see ya.”

The technologies behind the Internet aren’t locked in to one company’s wares.

All that can be done is passing laws to try to “fix” that.

So, your solution is to throw people in prison.

There’s just no nice to reframe that into something polite.

If you ever say “there should be a law,” you’re saying “I feel so strongly about this that I’m willing to have you killed to get you to behave the way I want.”

Ten Years ago?

It’s here. I think, probably, this would have been just as I was in the early throws of the thing I’d taken because we were running out of money.

As far as I know, that place is probably still operating. But I was very much not in my element. That was reconfirmed yesterday when I was doing similar work. Windows was, and still is, a nightmare.

But i’d gotten hired as the junior admin there, and I was doing it really to just pay the bills. The company I was with didn’t offer any benefits accepted by providers in Tidewater.

I’d bought a private plan from one of the providers down there that was one of the large providers. It was expensive, but we didn’t have a ton of expenses with my wife in college.

The wonderful exchange plan we would have for the next year was the thing that really sent me into a spiral.

Again, I got promoted on-the-spot into the role of the senior admin because they couldn’t do an in-place capture of the previous admin.

i tried, but I was being directed to do things from 1999. In 2014.

No, we shouldn’t be doing this. You should never say that to someone who views himself as a subject matter expert on things he clearly doesn’t understand at all.

Twenty years ago? I went back and looked at stuff around then. There was an entry about someone in whom I was interested. I really have no idea who that was, actually. Not even a suspicion.

The next one was me congratulating myself from what I did on the Thanksgiving turkey.

I think I did it on a grill. It may have been my first attempt at using an injector of some sort.

I think my dad was in Iraq that year, so I was cooking for my mom, my brother, and his wife at the time. It worked, I guess, but I didn’t write down what I did. I am an idea — I think it probably involved a glaze and injection that resembled a whisky sour.

So, that’s some quick recaps

For the future, who knows? Obviously, I had some major setbacks in the middle of that period.

The samples from the prompt are largely related to the problems I’ve had related to my health in the past fifteen years.

Should I have done anything differently? Yep.

But I did find someone I love, something you couldn’t have told me I’d do twenty years ago.