It\’s on….

Broncos, Eagles, Bears, Falcons, and Rams open camp today. Hall-of-Fame Game is thirteen days away. I’m pumped.
#757 Peeps (and anyone else who wants to participate)….
I’m going to set up the fantasy league again. I’d like to, you know, actually start with week one this week. If you’re interested, drop me an e-mail. Aiming for ten people, will do it with nine, and will take up to twelve. We can either do the free Yahoo jank, or do one of the pay ones where you can win prizes (ESPN or CBS/Sportsline). If peeps want to do the pay thing, that’s fine, I can spring to get it set up, but I’d appreciate it if people will chip in.

It\'s on….

Broncos, Eagles, Bears, Falcons, and Rams open camp today. Hall-of-Fame Game is thirteen days away. I’m pumped.
#757 Peeps (and anyone else who wants to participate)….
I’m going to set up the fantasy league again. I’d like to, you know, actually start with week one this week. If you’re interested, drop me an e-mail. Aiming for ten people, will do it with nine, and will take up to twelve. We can either do the free Yahoo jank, or do one of the pay ones where you can win prizes (ESPN or CBS/Sportsline). If peeps want to do the pay thing, that’s fine, I can spring to get it set up, but I’d appreciate it if people will chip in.

It\’s on….

Broncos, Eagles, Bears, Falcons, and Rams open camp today. Hall-of-Fame Game is thirteen days away. I’m pumped.
#757 Peeps (and anyone else who wants to participate)….
I’m going to set up the fantasy league again. I’d like to, you know, actually start with week one this week. If you’re interested, drop me an e-mail. Aiming for ten people, will do it with nine, and will take up to twelve. We can either do the free Yahoo jank, or do one of the pay ones where you can win prizes (ESPN or CBS/Sportsline). If peeps want to do the pay thing, that’s fine, I can spring to get it set up, but I’d appreciate it if people will chip in.


Two old chicks in a Mustang, driving cross country….typical Thelma & Louise antics. Their secret? Depends.

Looking for a Job

Sucks more than Dopo, who, incidentally, still needs to come pick up bf:v from me.
Looking for leads anyhow, anywhere, really. It’s just getting insane what I’m making. Insane, I tell you.
(And if my work is snooping here, and I really don’t care that they are, raise, pronto, if you want any shot at keeping me)