
Somehow I missed a prompt a prompt for today. I didn’t miss the three birthdays of friends and family on Facebook.

THow is baby formed after Thanksgiving turkey? Yes, it’s a bit disturbing to think about your parents getting’ busy while visiting their families, but., there’s a reason there’s so many late-August birthdays.

But, barring the prompt, I don’t know if my spiel about why I write got posted, and I’m too perpetualy exhausted to go back and and look.

I do this for me; it’s something that keeps me on track.

I have things to say, and forcing them out on schedule helps keep it coming.

But, the biggest takeaway from this weekend? It’s not log enough.

I’m tired of this situation. I’m tired of being disrespected. I’m tired of being away from my wife. I’m tired of my eighth of a cubicle. I’m tired being on pins and needles because there’s been no option execution on my contract.

“That’s all I’m gonna say about that.”


what characteristics define you, and make you unique?

This is tough. I am odd, and have been since I was very young.

Listing those things out is trying, especially in light of my situation.

I’m not a perfectionist, because I realize few things are perfect. I do appreciate simple quality, and hope the things I’ve worked on reflect that.

I have varied tastes in entertainment. Few like the same sorts of movies, music, radio as I do.

That I’m on my own Kent make me want to sit against a locker, wishing I could go listen to Linkin Park.


Free. Free Writing

Am I gonna have to pay royalties to Tom Petty on that bit like that dude had to for Stay With Me?

But I guess it’s the overall progression and vibe, not so much the lyrics. See: George Harrison with My Sweet Lord/He’s So Fine.

I forgot my laptop’s power supply at where I’m staying while I’m not in prison. Pfft.

But I came home when I needed to, and surviv d another workweek.


Is there an aspect of your personality you wish you could chnage?

That’s a tough question. The only thing I can think of is that maybe I’m too trusting of ordinary people sometimes.

I don’t think my boss is out to get me.
I don’t think the government is out to get me.
I don’t think evil corporations are out to get me.

I’ve never attributed to malice what could more easily be explained by ignorance or stupidity.

“They’re not bad; they’re just stpid.”

Maybe that makes me a fool.

But, whatever. I could spend lots of spoons thinking about how I’ve been fucked over. But I don’t have enough to waste.


Today sucked in its own, special way. Still no news on WTF is going on with my work situation towards the end of the month.

At the same time, I’m really excited about some other things that have cropped up, potentially having time to devote to my company, etc..

We’ll see.

So, on to the recycled prompt.

Funniest or weirdest memory from a relationship?

Isolating a single memory is tough; my dating roster was pretty sparse, and I’ve been with Sarah now more than nine years.

Should I talk about the one who my dog used to steal her seat on the couch when she got up…?
Should I talk about getting stuck in a hotel elevator in formalwear?
Should I talk about lifting in and out of the Jeep, because she couldn’t stretch her legs enough to climb in and out?
Should I talk about the one I didn’t miss after we broke up, but I did miss her kid?

There’s a reason things didn’t work; it’s been a long time, now.

Since I don’t want to remember, which of them was funny?


What changes would you make in your life if you could?
Anyone who knows me, even a little, would know my two answers on this…

  1. Not have MS.
  2. Have a different job.

While I’m not optimistic about number one in the near future, I am hopeful on number two. Especially since I’m almost certain htis one ends two weeks from Friday. This ends before that, but I’ll try to update.

I could continue with a story about my employer’s attempt to fool me, but I’ll hold that one.

But, back to the topic, I’m sort of optimistic about my prospects beyond this outhouse where I currently work.

And it may well be DC, ahead of my wife, unfortunately.


Where would be your ideal place to live?

Is there truly an “ideal” place?

I’m pretty sure I wanna stay in a city; “I get allergic smelling hay.”

I also like having more than one way to get around. As someone who doesn’t drive anymore, I get stir-crazy when I’m cooped up, and can’t go anywhere when I’m ready. Yes, I’m dependent upon somebody to move me, but I don’t like it always having to be free in a relative’s car.

Not to say that I don’t appreciate those who give me ride. But if I’m feeling okay, I can get my sorry butt to a public transit stop.

Or use my phone to call the oh-so-evil Uber app. #ReadyForHillary!!1!

So, as I’ve been looking for something new, I’ve been looking for places where I can get around. And, since I was “Not Selected” for something I applied for in Tampa, it won’t be there. (I’m trying hard to be broken up about that…..)

It’ll probably end up being NoVA/DC. WMATA could be how I get around. Then Amtrak if I want to go somewhere else.

I could write a lot more about this, but I think I’m gonna go get something to eat.

I’m pretty sure my current situation is going to expire in about two and weeks. It’s incredible to think I’ve been doing this now as long as I worked for the four-letter company.

Mistakes, both.


What was the last thing on your mind as you fell asleep last night?

Last night? Can I say awake long enough to see Weekend Update? No, no I couldn’t.

Last night’s SNL was a rerun of Jim Carrey’s episode.

It’s kind of incredible how many of the current comedians did impressions of his old stuff.

Iggy Azalea was the musical guest. Yeah, I completely don’t understand her appeal. The whitest Australian chick you’ve ever seen trying to sound like she’s Tupac? The only thing redeeming about Fancy is Charli XCX.

So, what else is up? I do not want to leave here today. I can’t think of few things I’d less rather do than go back to my “job.” But there’s a couple of intriguing things happening that might make it end real soon now.

It’s been more than a week since I had my Tysabri infusion. I don’t feel as strange as I did just after. I am still a bit fatigued, but, it’s not affecting me significantly. My neck hurts, which is different. I’ve had pain in my neck, that went down from just behind my right ear all the way to my right elbow since just around the time I was diagnosed

It’s moved a bit, and now is all the way across the back of my neck. Hmmm….


Write about a mistake you made once (or more than once) that you never want to make again.

It is really a cop-out, but I think I more than touched on that yesterday.

I’ve made mistakes in my life. Have ,y missteps taught me things? Of course.

But you learn how to adapt, make wiser decisions when confronted with similar situations.


I’m sampling from NoJoMos in the past. It’s lazy, but these are things that i think still migh be interesting or different. From 2013:

What Job would you never take?

  1. Another job with the four-letter.
  2. Any job that’ll hire me without showing me the work environment, first.

So, I’ve had learning experiences in my last two positions.

It happens.

I needed a job after I got laid off in the beginning of 2013. It busted my compensation level back to what I’d been earning in 2006/7.

I could second-guess a lot of things, but I’ve always tried to do proper engineering work, even if I’m getting paid as a point-and-drool seatwarmer.

That I was in the middle of trying to get my health under control didn’t help.

The main thing that comes through for me is that The Formula doesn’t work. My late father used to joke about needing that dog-chasing-his-tail graphic in every PowerPoint presentation.

You don’t.
You don’t need to exactly hit the page limit on a proposal; you need to answer the question. If your answer is five pages, so be it. If your answer is two and a half, but it hits everything, even better.

Being verbose and flowery doesn’t help you get your point across!

I could now go on a tirade about engineering in a clean environment, but I don’t feel like doing that. But nothing should be mystical when you’re truly engineering. You should know why something works or doesn’t.

Is that so difficult to understand?

But, hey, I haven’t “been doing this a long time;” what do I know?