Poke Me

Or something.  I’m feeling all social-madia-y lately with work, etc..

So, what’s what?

Users is coming along.  There’s still lots of packages to build, but it’s going.  When it’s done, I may try to resurrect some of the hot blog action there.  Maybe.  Those of you who’ve got accounts, please see the MOTD for the status.  (And, if you forgot your password, hit me up via E-Mail….)

I’m trying to do good work again.  I really did feel constrained previously.  But, you know what?  I am who I am.  Am I what I was?  Not by a long shot. Do I still have a lot to offer?  Absolutely.  Am I willing to work harder than others?  Yep.  Would I prefer to be contributing from home while I’m in comfortable clothes?  Yes.

I took down a lot of the MS stuff while I was looking for a new job;  the Drupal nonsense was part of that, too.  I guess I could bring some of it back, but I really don’t care to.  I’ve got problems.  They may not be immediately visible.

But the social media stuff is important to my future work.  A lot of the older people don’t care to try to use it.  The people who do don’t pick up bar tabs after vendor demos.  But those tools are natural to a younger person.

Is it a problem that Sendmail is gone on users?  No.  Does anyone really miss editing Sendmail.cf, and recompiling, mail spools, etc.?

I’m rambling, but at least I’m still sorta going, and it’s only Wednesday.

Not so lazy Sunday

I got users upgraded to a viable version of NetBSD, which is a good thing.  I really have no idea who’s really still using it for things other than E-Mail, but….

If there’s anyone out there who knows a clean way to import account shits from the passwd file into LDAP, that might be a good project.

I feel somewhat as if I’m getting back into the swing of things, geek-wise.  Maybe.  Do I have the boundless energy I did a few years ago?  No.  Do I fuck up?  Yes.  Have my skills deteriorated?  Some.  Is it a lot more difficult with my vision being as bad as it is?  Certainly.  But what can I do?

Sarah’s off doing something or the other with her mom.  I’m supposed to meet up with Drew for a burrito any minute now.  Maybe Ethan tags along.

Do I feel rested after this weekend of not going anywhere? Not in the least.  Am I okay with that?  Yeah.

Though I could go for a beer.  Not today, though.  Stupid medication.

Two weeks in

…and I’m still not 100% sure I like what I’m doing.  And I feel like I’m the only one doing whatever it is I’m doing.

Instead of doing it in the spare bedroom, patiently awaiting feedback I never get, now I’m in a cubicle listening to idle chatter from coworkers.

Do they really count as coworkers if they’re not really focused on the same task?  *ponders for a moment*

This next week should be different.  Headed back to EVMS to see if I can get this health stuff figured out again.  I should not feel this bad all the damn time.  Just before Sarah and I went to New Orleans for our honeymoon, I felt like I’d gotten things pretty well figured out.

So much for that.  And what I’ve tried isn’t working.  So that doesn’t mean do it faster!  (If only management people would understand that…..)

Professionally, the slate is somewhat clean, but I’m already seeing the sort of nonsense I saw before.  I just don’t have the capacity to work through issues like I used to be able to.  Am I getting lazy, or am I just that bad off with my health?  *ponders more*

Interesting conversation on Twitter this morning with one of my favorite bloggers who’s trying to get a book published.  I don’t know if my perspective was much help, but I can hope.

It’s not a question that the work is quality;  it’s a question of whether there’s an audience for it.  The people who make the decisions on that sort of thing are often not the people who’d consume it.  My dilemma — whether quality is forever confined to niche status…..

I don’t know.

On Quality

Something I’ve been pondering the past few days as I adjust to my new job title, “Quality Management System Analyst.”

I’ve been thinking of how to objectively determine something’s quality.  I mean, I know my blog sucks, but why does it suck?

Started bouncing this around in this scarred brain of mine, after seeing this headline on Fark.

Still trying to work through this, but I think you do have to establish objective grading criteria prior to beginning an evaluation.  Otherwise, is everything simply subjective?


Maybe my new customer might be open to discussing this sometime soon.

Virtual Scrubbing

Going through old stuff various places to clear out clutter.

It’s kind of incredible how much stale data I have around.  I can only imagine the sorts of nonsense at Iron Mountain.

Regardless, I’m moving along at the new job.  I’m not quite to the comfortable place yet, but it’ll get there.

As I suspected, I’m practically the only person on the team at this point.  That will change soon.  I just hope I know some of them.

Back to WordPress

Unimpressed with Drupal, so back we go.

It’s fine.  I have a job for the moment, so, not a lot of time to mess with these sorts of trivialities.

Was hoping one of the local Drupal outfits would hire me, but that didn’t happen, so….

And We're Back

Decided to delete the old stuff, start anew.  Would have been a lot easier on a fresh server, but….
Regardless, here it is.  New beginnings time.  In my personal and professional life, I’m getting a hearty dose of Hope & Change.

Plus Two

Pretty clear now that I’m being laid off come tomorrow.  A younger, healthier me would have been excited by this sort of liberation.  Old, wobbly, blind, responsible me, not as much.  Trying to capture lessons learned from this seems somewhat pointless.  The people most responsible wouldn’t actually learn anything from the mistakes many of us made along the way.

The larger lesson?  Stove-piping everything just doesn’t work anymore.  Maybe it did ten years ago.  Maybe you could just try to make incremental improvements to the existing stuff.  But what does the existing stuff do?  Why are people using it?  Those questions remain unanswered.  The graying set don’t bother to even ask those questions.

Why would they when they believe what exists is nearly perfect as it is?  That’s doubly true when there’s financial incentive for both them, and their customers in creating new, expensive, Rube Goldberg replacements?  There’s markup, relationship-building, etc. on every frill that ends up in the design.

Going back to what I wrote about  last year, there’s a few unwritten assumptions with the oft-used tree graphic.

1.  The customer knows what he wants and needs.   Unfortunately, that’s not the case.  And, what’s worse in IT, the vendors hit up the customers, so the customers aren’t looking for a black rubber tire swing, they’re looking for the pretty colored seat, and the “cotton-nylon rope.”  (Excuse the reference…..no, I haven’t read it.)  If the customer actually does need something that’s not going to mess up a pretty white dress, there’s ways to express that in terms of requirements that’d end up excluding a filthy used tire.  That’s not to say you spec-out a certain vendor’s product by name, either.

2.  The Engineers design based on the spec.  Unfortunately, that’s not true, especiallly when it comes to IT systems.  Designers have their own personal preferences, sure.  But they also know which vendors pick up the bar tab, hand out neat swag, etc..  Instead of guarding against the sorts of vendor sway that frequently come from “sales engineers,” managers actually encourage these sorts of interactions.

But thinking about my current ending gig, so much effort’s been expended on enhancing something that already exists, without understanding what it’s supposed to do.  To depart from the tire swing, for a moment, I learned to ride a bike on a bike equipped with a vinyl padded bike seat.  Did that mean I couldn’t ride one with a hard plastic seat, or a big banana seat?

To many IT people, yes, yes it does.  Users expect to click Start, then navigate to programs, etc..  Go to a site on the web?  Well, Start, Programs, Netscape, Netscape Navigator, enter the URL in the address bar, and so on.  Maybe there’s now just an icon on the splash screen that gets the user to that site?  Maybe it’s now a fully-integrated web app running directly on the device?

Well, that’s bad news for people who’ve “fostered relationships,” with vendors.  It’s worse for government customers who want their solutions to get more expensive so that their funding stays up.  It’s bad news for the design engineers who spent countless hours, paid tens of thousands of dollars for vendor certifications.

I’m going to stop and STFU, now.  I have job searching to do.  *sigh*

Day 30

And this is it….the end. Since basically nobody’s been reading, I could have delayed this, but why? Tempted, again, to blow all this stuff away, too. I guess I could probably transition it somewhere else. We’ll see….

I’m finishing up, here, just because I do have something to do tonight, nad I need to get ready. Finishing up seems to be a unifying theme in many things at this point, which isn’t necessarily good news.

But it’s important to understand when something’s over, and to accept it. Regardless of what happens, I know there’s a few things I can count on, a few people I can rely on, and the others fall where they fall.

Am I disappointed by this effort? Honestly, a bit. But I’ve done it every day. One of the debates I have in my head pretty frequently is whether volume is more important than quality. I think the answer is, “yes.” Cop-out? Maybe. Do I care? Notsomuch. I was halfway tempted not to go through with this, considering everything that was going on around the start time.

I did it.

1. Share your day, in words and/or in pictures.

Or to put it another way, there’s nothing terribly interesting to see today. My spare bedroom as a home office. My computer. *yawn* There could be things to take photos of tonight, but, then again, the chances of it being too dark to take any are pretty good, too.

A bigger question is whether I keep the facial hair I’ve grown this month…..

2. You have an extra $100,000 to give away. You can not spend it on yourself. What would you do with the money?

Not enough to pull off two chicks at the same time, huh? I’d give it to someone who understands what I’m saying when it comes to new approaches to how to do the work that I do. Doubling-down, churning out the same shit faster is exactly the wrong approach. Do somthing different. The Apple “think different,” campaign really wasn’t, because they were churning out the same products that’d failed in the marketplace already. Despite the exhortations, the products weren’t actually different until Jobs showed back up.

Day 29

Today, another exercise in frustration. But I’m finished for the day. Interesting episodes of people power-tripping. It is what it is.

Tomorrow, a big finale? We’ll see.

1. List 5 people you know, then describe each of them in 5 words.

Perhaps a bit too personal to name names, here, so I won’t. Readers can figure out who these people are…. (And if people can’t figure out who the first one is, I just don’t know what to say….)

Person A

  • Smart
  • Beautiful
  • Passionate
  • Love
  • Mine

Person B

  • Smart
  • Food
  • Wine
  • Loyal
  • Closeted?

Person C

  • Clueless
  • Scatterbrained
  • Matronly
  • Faithful
  • Isolated

Person D

  • Uninformed
  • Caring
  • Opinionated
  • Kitties
  • Tired

Person E

  • Done
  • Knowing
  • Guarding
  • Collected
  • Deciding

2. If you could have personally witnessed one event in history, what would you want to hav seen?

I’ve been kicking this one around for awhile, and am still not sure. First thing that came to mind? Oh, the huge manatee! Even in black and white, the Hindenberg was pretty spectacular.

Katrina? (Since there’s a Saints’ game tonight….) I’ve seen more storms than I’d ever like now, thank you very much. When I was nineteen, would have been a different story.

Mount St. Helens? I haven’t ever really seen a massive volcano. But, maybe in a few weeks, if the Mayans were right, that means the Yellowstone one is going to go off…..

It’s hard to pinpoint a single thing. Even moreso with my failing eyesight, and the realization that something that’s visually-spectacular often has lasting, widespread effects.

Who really saw what was going on during Watergate? Franz Ferdinand getting taken out (apologies if I sparked the earworm; only partially intentional)? Important, but only a small part of the whole story. 9/11? All over the TV when it happened, but the buildings and field were only parts to a larger story; a larger story you can’t see in a :30 clip on YouTube.