Thanksgiving Plans
I intentionally put this one back, didn’t write about it early because I wanted to stick to what I’d laid out in the intro.
And here it is, and I’m not nearly as excited as I had been.
Go figure.
And every time I get back to this, I seem to get distracted. Work. Broken account on app. Intertubes problems at home.
And so on.
But back to Thanksgiving. We don’t have a lot of space here to cook and dine, really. The guests are going to be in and out quickly, stopping by on their way to an event farther away.
I’d gotten an email from a local restaurant group I like. They had pickup meals, but those were incredibly expensive. Full dinner…turkey, sides, etc.. But the price tag was something around $400.
No, spending that much money for four people is insane. So, too, was driving into the District to pick it all up on Thanksgiving Day.
Let me dig through my myriad local restaurant emails to see who’s got a special.
Oh. Here’s one from the sorta hoity-toity fancy pizza joint. Wood-burning ovens cooking turkeys instead of pizzas. That could work.
Price wasn’t very high, either.
We’ve gotta go pick it up, but I’m hoping it turns out well.
Don’t really have too much else planned for Thursday. It’s looking cold enough that I might be able to justify to myself breaking into some sweet vermouth for some warmer drinks.
During the day sometime Saturday, I’m going to need to do a bit of work. Then the show that night. Girly-Sound is on Apple Music, by the way.
Day of rest Sunday. No idea what football will be on TV. Washington plays in Dallas on Thanksgiving Day; who knows what will be on TV.
Still have a few open days where I need to find things to write about.
I still need to work on what I might want for Christmas….