
Something I meant to write about during yesterday’s entry….

Discussion with one of my best friends about use of the restaurant delivery apps.

Yes, the restaurant delivery services sorta fuck restaurants. 
Isn’t the restaurant agreeing to those terms by offering its food there?
They can choose to not participate if they don’t like the terms….
Yeah, it’d be better to find some way to spare the restaurant that cost, but they agreed to it. 

I’m really not sure what to think or say about it. These costs aren’t implemented by force; the restaurants agree to pay them to sell that way.

On the other side, governments are placing arbitrary limits on what these companies can charge.

If the restaurants lobbied for those caps, they’re the ones violating the nonaggression principle.

He did finally get back to me, and said that it’s kind of a one-way transaction. The delivery services set up services for a restaurant whether or not the restaurant had sought, or agreed to, the plan participation.

Then there’s little that can be done for dispute resolution, because of the credit card companies involved.

I haven’t been paying all that close attention to what the CC companies are doing. I had kind of barely kept track, after hearing what they were doing to the evil gun companies, but really wasn’t tracking all that closely.

In a society that’s practically cashless now, it disturbs me that companies can just refuse service to other companies based on whatever whim they’ve chosen.

Imagine, if you will, a situation where people convicted of crimes weren’t allowed to even have cash…..?

Halfway finished. What’s gone right, what could be better?

I don’t know. I’ve been pretty good about making sure that things get done. I’ve probably short-armed a few entries, sure, but I have written a few things about which I can be proud.

Obviously my scarred brain has been working overtime.

I worry about things that may not affect me that directly, while failing to notice other things.

The MTA on ^H was down for just over two weeks. Oops.

Not that anybody is reading or commuting here, anyway.

But I’m going to be on the downslope of the month, so there’s that.

In previous periods, I would have been very relieved that I was more than halfway through. Now, however, it’s just another thing that I need to do for….

Lockdown world. Nothing to look forward to. Things happen, but nothing memorable.


I know I’ve written about this one before, but I’m going to recycle it.

Book that left a lasting impression. Why?

I was a bit concerned I wouldn’t get through this audiobook before I was set to write on this prompt today.

I finished listening to it yesterday.

The book? How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World.

I’d decided I wanted to read it again, for the first time since probably 1999, as Jo Jorgensen was running for President.

As I said, I voted for Dr. J. this year, despite some very deep reservations about her campaign team ran the campaign.

I handed out Harry Browne campaign literature on campus in 2000. Dr. J. had been his running mate in 1996, but had kind of fallen off the LP screen. She was off in South Carolina teaching psychology.

I had, myself, fallen away from the party after 9/11 happened in my next-to-last semester in college. I’d voted specifically against John McCain, and for George W. Bush, in Virginia’s open primary in 2000, and voted for Harry Browne in the general election.

If you live in a locality that’s been controlled by the Democrats since the Union occupiers moved out in 1876, you normally need to vote in the Democratic primary just so you can have any bit of a vote for some of the local office.

That’s kind of where I was when I lived in Norfolk. Living here in Alexandria, it’s the same sort of thing.

These localities haven’t had an elected Republican in more than a centaury. If you cared about seeing your local sheriff replaced, you had to vote in the Democratic primary.

How I Found Freedom is really not a political book, but it does describe some of the things that really flavor my politics.

Nobody rules you but you.

When I moved up here, I was actually using one of the tactics straight from that book, a book I hadn’t read in twenty years.

Get to zero, then build the life you want starting from zero. I was actually picking through some of my writings from probably 2015 until early this year, really, which was the idea of Get To Zero.

No debt. Few, if any, commitments that would keep me from being free do to what I want to do.

Dr. Jorgensen’s campaign was actually a decent re-statement of what Harry Browne ran on in 1996 and 2000. She’s been on campus, isolated from the world, and some of the things her campaign did this year really show that.

As for other things the book teaches, I wonder how much of it overcome by history. In the world of COVID-19 lockdowns, is there really anywhere where you can go to live the life you might want to live?

I don’t know.

So. News.

There’s this on what Justice Alito said about the lockdowns. I’m actually listening to this at the same time.

The chances of me getting COVID-19 are near zero. The chances of me dying from it are smaller, still.

Is there anywhere where I can still be free?

I really don’t know.


Writing early today, as I’m trying to not give free hours to my employer. So, more emptying out the drafts folder.

This is something I wrote during the summer writing period. I quoted what I my first writing bit when I started writing on OD in 1999. So, as you’re seeing too far on social media, How It Started

This was from when I started writing in earnest in 1999.

Aspiring to the Weekly World News – 7/23/1999

Let me bring you up to speed…..


I work full time, and go to college full time. I also spend lots of time on the road, because I’m still living with my parents in BFE.


Parents are okay….brother is a stoner.

Love life:

Pretty slow through high school….two girlfriends as a freshman, two as a sophomore. I wasn’t looking for anyone as a junior or senior, but a girl kind of shoved her tounge down my throat, and I went along with it. I didn’t leave for college like I planned–we dated until last October. It’s been a really nasty breakup. Since we split, she’s banged two of my friends. She’s now living with one of them…..needless to say, I haven’t spoken to them much. There’s now somebody who I’m sweet on…..I’m not sure if she’s quite figured it out yet. I’m trying to figure out how to proceed. It’s a bit of a weird situation for me, because everything is rather wholesome.

So this would have been roughly five years after I’d sworn off writing. In the high school I attended as a sophomore, during the six-week grading period, (yes, that’s how they did things there…) you could earn an extra credit grade that’d replace the lowest test grade you got in my Honors English class. I think we had to write two entriesS per week over the six-week period. They weren’t anything terribly difficult. I was a fifteen year-old kid locked in “Smruf Village” at Carlisle Barracks. I’d given up on my dream of playing football. The Pennsylvania kids were bigger than I was. I made up for the size difference by being slower. It didn’t work well.

But back to the writing, I was the only kid in my class who tried to ado the extra credit assignment. Naturally, the teacher read everything I wrote.

And was concerned.

I don’t think I wrote anything that was really too far out-of-bounds for a fifteen year-old boy whose body is going nuts in all sorts of ways, but she disagreed. Down to meet with the guidance counselor, who spoke to me, and was less concerned.

This would have been the fall after Kurt Cobain had killed himself, so worry was probably top of mind for high school teaching staffs.

After all that craziness, however, I swore off writing until 1999, when a friend showed me The Open Diary. Though they took a couple years’ hiatus, I’ve not left.

Many of my entries are for my own consumption. I hid many around the time I left radio.

But what’s there is a lot about some of the early days of my relationship with my wife. I’m also seeing things that were probably early MS exacerbations.

So, how’s it going?

I don’t know. You tell me. My writing stretches are a manifestation of Pure O.


Writing is a strange one, certainly.

That said, it was something I could do without much real screen interaction. When I was in radio, often in the middle of the night, I’d sit back in the darkened studio, close my eyes, and type.

Sometimes it turns out better than other times.

OD was the place I primarily wrote back then.


Not a lot to say, really. More recycling from things that were in the Drafts category, but I’d never posted…

I accidentally had a second prompt for my trip to Georgetown.

That happened, and I described a bit of it yetsterday.

Takeaways I didn’t cover yesterday:

With those out of the way, what else do I have to say….?

I’m trying to keep an open mind about the electoral results. This, really, could be real change in Washington. Notsomuch due to the Trump surrogates’ bigotry, but because at least it’s a completely new crowd.

Regardless of what happens, it’s not going to be an administration full of recycled Ford and Clinton folks (which is what we saw with the last two administrations). If an opportunity presented itself to get me to DC to work in the Administration, I don’t know that I’d turn it down. (Though they probably would want nothing to do with me after I didn’t vote for them…..)

I guess I wrote this coming into a recent administration transition.

I didn’t like the Trump Administration, but how much of it is going to stick, really.

I think if he just declassifies a bunch of stuff on his way out, along with pardons of some hated people from the past *cough*Snowden*cough*Flynn*cough*Assange*cough*Ulbrecht*cough*

It’s pretty incredible how much I’ve “come home,” as it were, on many things.

The entire world was lied to.

I, personally, was opposed to Iraq II until I heard Tony Blair pitch it to Parliament.

But a lot of what was given as intelligence wasn’t true.

So. News from today.

AOC wants a “truth and reconciliation” commission to deal with Trump supporters.

I guess she missed the lectures about this in school. Hell, was she even alive when Tiananmen Square?

Or is it a new House Un-American Activities Committee?

Things that don’t fit in with the artfully-crafted narrative.


i was going to go through and finish something I’d started a couple of years ago, but never got around to finishing.

My brain is still swimming around with to do with this next project.

I think I might try to write an record an ep this weekend to see how it goes.

I’m listening to Adam Carolla talk about family Thanksgiving.

As a kid, we were overseas so often I only got a couple of those. The last one I really have memories of was riding down I-95 next to a very excited Golden Retriever puppy who would get carsick.


Yeah, there’s not much I can identify with that.

We were so spread out across the world that it didn’t happen all that often.

There were a few times where we went to the mess hall so my dad could eat with the people he was commanding.

There was often one or more bachelor officers and soldiers who were invited guests to eat with us.

Nobody would have ever even considered bitching about the Mac & Cheese.

I just realized that maybe part of the reason I’m partial to the Lions’ game is because it was playing in the evening in Germany.

But I think the idea of traditional Thanksgiving might be part of what’s got me on the try-all-the-things-people-used-to-rave-about kick.

I realized a few months ago that I’d never actually had Maxwell House coffee.

Part of that could have been the period where I got out of drinking coffee for a while, but my parents were always Folger’s people….until there were other things coming in at the Commissary, and they got a Braun coffee grinder.

My mom, on one of her antique store trips, found a cookbook from the White House. The calculations take a lot of time to cut the recipes down to a consumable size, but these things were saved for a reason — by and large, they were really fucking good!

These things take time to prepare, but I think the payoff is worth it.

I would like to do some things, myself, but it’s not an issue I’m excited to debate.

I’ve written enough, now, I think. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.

Almost finished.


Veterans’ Day

Thankfully, there’s been very little coming into today about remember-the-fallen heading into today. Veterans’ Day is for everybody who served. Memorial Day is for those who died in service of the country.

Michael Malice had a tweet about how all of the World War I veterans in Pennsylvania were voting for Biden to protest the president’s purported comments about the World War I veterans.

(For those scratching their heads, the last US WWI vet died in something like 2011, and the last one in the entire world a couple of years later….so dead people voting for Biden.)

I guess the big takeaway I have is that since 2001, it’s been a state of constant war. The troops never really come home these days.

You get into the discussions of whether that’s intentional; I don’t know. I do know that when my dad was deployed (Army 73-97), it wasn’t any of these situations where you have endless rotating deployments.

Bring them home. Now.

There’s nothing more that will be accomplished.

Bring them home. Now.

So. News. One of the big stories, locally, has been about this former bishop/cardinal/whatever.

What he’s purported to have done sounds horrible. The Church didn’t do the right thing in covering it up. For the allegations that occurred on Church property, the Church’s law reigns. For things that happened in place’s under another jurisdiction’s control, the Church should have eagerly aided in extradition/prosecution.

It’s not that difficult to figure out.

I do hold colleges and universities to a different standard, however. With the exception of completely privately-held schools, they are subject to the jurisdiction of wherever their campus is.

If someone is raped in a dormresidence hall (my indoctrination at my alma mater is still fresh, more than two decades later) , the local authorities should investigate (and prosecute) whatever crimes occurred. This doesn’t fall to the star chamber of a university judicial system, no matter what the US Department of Education says.

I’m stopping there. Bring the troops home. Now.


I’m writing in the middle of the morning while waiting on my doctor for a Telehealth appointment.

I had a periodic MRI a few weeks ago after my last Tysabri infusion.

Looking at my results, I don’t think there was anything remarkable; I’m not having an exacerbation.

But you’d think that on a telemedicine appointment there’d be fewer times when you’d be twiddling your thumbs waiting on your appointment to start.

It’s fine, though. I don’t have any work appointments today, so, whatever.

I didn’t have a prompt ready for today, either. I really don’t know how I missed the first week of the month. I do have most of the month covered, but this one is missing.

So, another prompt from my collection……

How do you feel about the political climate of the country?

It’s horrible. It appears that Biden was elected, but that’s not going to fix anything.

Obviously, I’ve written quite a bit already about things over the past week.

In my session with my psychologist yesterday, I was focusing more on my whole thing with what is the function of government; why do we have it if it’s not doing the things it was established to do?

I’m also still listening to Harry Browne’s How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World.

In addition to some very 70s ideas on intimate relationships, there’s this sense that you can choose to just not participate in things that negatively affect your freedom.

I’m not sure you can do that anymore.

I’m also disagreeing strongly with the ideas on marriage. Maybe it’s something where you presume equality between partners at the start of the relationship.

My wife and I built our financial situation together. There’s been points in our marriage where we weren’t at all on financial parity. Okay. That happens. We made a commitment to each other, and that works for us.

Maybe I write some more later, but I think I’m finished for now. Back to work.


Okay. Another one I didn’t do a prompt for ahead of time.

I have no idea what I was thinking about.

How do you feel about people’s need to post every detail of their relationships on social media? Are you guilty?

I took a long break from the sewer that is Facebook heading in to the election. I finally came back a few days after it was over.

I’d said to myself that I was going to “unfriend” people who wrote things I thought might be intentionally targeted to piss me off.

Didn’t take long to see something

Did I unfriend? No. There’s now a mute function. I will not see that person’s stuff unless I specifically go look for it.

Same goes for whatever relationship changes might occur.

I just really couldn’t care less.

Another “friend” was actively calling oug that there’d been “unfriending” after some stupid posts.

I didn’t do that.

But I am now ignoring.

Maybe my reluctance to actually unfriend is passive-aggressive? (Man, part of me hopes that that’s true….)

Along those lines, really, Microsoft, I don’t give a crap about what celebrities are thinking about unofficial election results.

You don’t care in the least about why I voted for someone with virtually zero chance of gaining enough of a plurality to “win;” why should I care what you think? You’re not at all open to hearing my reasons. You don’t respect my rights; all “negative” rights. Tell me again why I should care at all about what you think.

Oh, that’s right, you’re going to force me to live as you choose, and you’re more than okay with me being killed for not going along with the plan. Got it.

But it looks like there’s probably an effective vaccine for COVID-19. Even if I was one of the people who chose not to take it, Governor Hoodor Blackface (D-VA) would kill me to force compliance.

Land of the free.

(And, no, I would take it freely. But that’s not the point. If you understood that, you wouldn’t think that whatever celebs think about the election would have any bearing on my choice of politicians…)


Somehow I missed drafting this prompt, too. I don’t even know.

Fantasy vacation. Where do you go, what do you do, who are you with?

~0/Vacation/All I ever wanted/Vacation/Had to get away/Vacation/Meant to be spent alone/o~

I love that song. But if you listen closely it’s really sad.

As for the prompt, this was actually some of the discussion I was having with my friend, and my wife yesterday — where can you go?

I’m not one to step up to people (meaning, use the implicit thread of physical violence), I just walk away.

I walk away. It’s what I do.

But where can I go to get away, now?

And, in the meantime, are you going to steal all of my shit, even if it means murdering me in the process?

That’s conspiracy talk.

Or, should I say, a claim without evidence.

That’s the media narrative about pretty much everything the President says after he lost the election.

How to be a one-term president?

  1. Select a VP from Indianastan
  2. Hire Bill Barr as your VP

Voila! You’ve locked in one term..

The president lost the election. It was not a “blue wave.”

Control of the Senate is going to be determined by two run-off elections in Georgia. They’re already descending there to make sure “Chuckie the Bolshevik,” as my former boss in radio used to call him, can completely destroy any check on reckless government that the Senate ever was.


Where can I go?

I don’t know.

But what I can do, and am doing, is just walking away.

If you’re a news network who’s reporting things that seem outrageous, then editorializing about a politician’s word, *click*

That’s one place where I can actually leave.

I almost said “sorry,” there, but, no, I’m not sorry.

I’m just not going to give you any of my money.


I guess that today is free-write.

Today is my mother’s birthday, so happy birthday to her. I will call her later on, see if her gifts arrived.

Today’s listen is this.

I’m very much enjoying it.

But I did have some things I’d planned to write about this morning.

I had this come across my email feed over the past couple of days.

It made me angry, and I was having flashbacks to seeing this talk at Shmoocon a few years ago.

Compounding on it was something I noticed on one of the local news last night that plays along with the article.

The President made these claims without evidence.

You spent how many years basically reporting the Steele Dossier?

Well, we got the information from several sources.

Yeah, but you didn’t have any evidence, either. You just had five people all saying the same thing.

But now you’ve added that commentary after a politician’s words, and you’re now covered?

No. Fuck you.

I, of course, had started thumbing together a long list of compaints to cobble together into a long Karenesque letter.

But, no, I’m not going to do that.

I’m just going to leave.

My problem is that I’m not sure that it’s even possible anymore.