Another entry is coming later, but I wanted to knock this out…
What is your favorite color?
I think I’m attracted to shades of blue.
Why is the sky blue?
Various reflections and refractions.
What do you do on a rainy day?
Same thing I do on sunny days — stay inside, because I really can’t go anywhere with my various maladies.
What do you eat for breakfast?
Low-fat black cherry yogurt, heavy cream, and coffee.
Who is your favorite sports team and why?
I was living in Leavenworth, Kansas in 1985. I’ve been a Royals’ fan ever since. My family is from the greater New Orleans area. There’s no major league baseball team. The Saints had Jim Mora’s USFL All-Star team playing in the Super Dome. Saints’ fans wouldn’t look at me sideways when I mentioned something like Beignets or Jambalaya. So, yeah, I’m there.
When do you write in Open Diary?
Most often on Saturdays. The answers to this, as well as most of my writing, actually originated in my blog at control-h.0rg.
(I started writing at OD in 1999. It did uncork what’d been bottled up since high school, when my English teacher was very concerned about a Gen Xer with bad acne….)
Where do you keep your keys?
Right now, they’re in my pants on the floor in the bedroom. (I am wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt….)
How do you like where you live?
I really don’t know at this point. The last year has really changed things. I’m not upset that my wife and I didn’t end up in DC. We are still in “the swamp,” but I could really be okay anywhere with decent connectivity.
Do you like cottage cheese?
If it’s on or in something I’m given or order, I’ll probably eat it. I probably wouldn’t reach for it otherwise.
How would you describe yourself in 5 words or less?
I’m just a guy.
Are you a fan of surveys?
They’re something to do. Maybe they provide some insight into where I am at that particular point at time.
If money was no object, who would you donate your money to and why?
What I’m doing right now.
Who is the last person you emailed?
I think it was probably a response to something on the HR Geeks List about last night’s Jitsi meeting.
What is your dream automobile?
I’m too blind to drive, so I don’t. My dreams of particular cars are over.
What color are your eyes?
If you could be any famous person living or dead who would it be and why?
Where I am now, I don’t think I’d want to be anybody other than me.
How do you change a light bulb?
For the most part, that’s not something I ever have to worry about anymore.
What is spring weather like where you live?
It sounds like it’s been up-and-down temperature-wise. I think it was actually snowing here the other day.
Do you like dogs or cats and why?
Dogs. They actually like people. Cats kind of put up with us, and eat pests. If they feel like it.
That I’m incredibly-allergic to cats might have something to do with it, but that’s something I’ve learned as I got older.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Just that much.